Your generosity helps ensure that regardless of the economic environment or financial capacity of our residents that Pines of Sarasota will continue to be a home and a community that provides our family of residents the highest standard of compassionate care, one that ensures a meaningful quality of life.
Pines of Sarasota is committed to making sure that our donors are fully aware of all their gift options. Additionally, as a matter of public trust we make every effort to keep your interests and benefits paramount in whatever gift decision you make. To that end, Pines of Sarasota encourages everyone to consult with your financial advisors or attorney before making a major gift decision. Without obligation, we welcome your gift giving inquiry.
Please contact Foundation President, Janet K. Ginn, CFRE, at 941-955-6293 or send us a message with any questions you might have.
Consider these options and make your contribution:
Cash is an easy and quick means to support Pines of Sarasota. Checks should be payable to "Pines of Sarasota Foundation."
Credit Card
Immediate cash gifts can be made online through your credit card by calling the Foundation Office at (941) 955-6293.
Tangible Personal Property
Gifts of tangible personal property, such as jewelry, artwork, collections, home or office furnishings and equipment and other personal property may be donated if readily marketable or of charitable purpose use by the Foundation.
Marketable Securities
Appreciated marketable securities traded on the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ or other major US stock trading markets are excellent gift vehicles.
Life Insurance
Assigning a paid up, existing life insurance policy to Pines of Sarasota Foundation, or establishing a new policy is welcome. In both instances, the Pines Foundation must be both beneficiary and irrevocable owner.
IRA Distribution
For individuals age 70 ½ and older, distributions from a qualified retirement plan can be particularly attractive. Unique tax savings and gift deductions are available.
Real Estate
Appreciated or non-income producing real estate are excellent gifts, subject to environmental review and gifted without lien.
Life Estate Gifts
A residence can be gifted and lived in during one's lifetime, producing an immediate and significant tax deduction, and making a major gift to Pines Foundation.
Charitable Gift Annuities
This gift vehicle allows for cash or appreciated stock to be placed with our Foundation and in return the donor receives GUARANTEED income for life and substantial tax deductions.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Similar to gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts are created for larger donations that can have multiple ultimate charities as beneficiaries. Income for life and tax deductions are key elements of these trusts.
Charitable Lead Trusts
This gift vehicle allows for the transfer of wealth to the next generation or until the donor is in a lower income tax bracket, providing annual support for Pines Foundation for a period of years in the process.
Complex Gifts
Other gifts in the form of closely held business interests, oil, gas or mineral leases, mortgages, notes, copyrights, royalties and easements all can be beneficial gift vehicles.
Gifts to Pines of Sarasota Foundation fully qualify for tax deductions as provided by law. 100% of contributions goes to support the Pines' mission. You can become a part of the solution to long-term care by assisting Pines Foundation.
For information on Giving Opportunities - Please call 941-955-6293Phone: (941) 955-6293, Fax: (941) 953-4146 Pines of Sarasota Foundation, Inc. 1501 N. Orange Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34236
Pines of Sarasota Foundation was incorporated in 1990 to support the endowment, capital and programmatic needs of Pines of Sarasota, a not-for-profit senior care community serving residents even after they have outlived their resources.
Our Mission
Pines of Sarasota Foundation was incorporated in 1990 to support the endowment, capital and programmatic needs of Pines of Sarasota, a not-for-profit senior care community serving residents even after they have outlived their resources
Contact Us
1501 N. Orange Avenue
Sarasota, Florida 34236